Halloween at our house
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 7:13AM
Julie Bowersett in costumes, halloween, holidays, sewing

Halloween at our house this year included a jack-in-the-box

and a lion

I never even got a shot of entire lion costume (there was a sweatshirt top, too) but you parents out there know how hard it can be to get a three-year-old into a costume at times.

It seems that every sewing project is an opportunity to learn something.  A too-large neckline on the lion's top (a recurring theme for me, it seems) led to the realization that sometimes it is just easier to sew something by hand.  I took a large pleat in the center back of the neck to snug things up a bit, and my attempts to sew through multiple layers of fleece by machine failed.  I picked up a needle and thread and was finished with the task in about a minute.  I really need to remember this lesson.

Article originally appeared on from these hands (http://www.fromthesehands.net/).
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