Moving On

Well, this post seems a little anti-climactic. Given how long it has taken me to have anything to post you would think I'd have a great picture and an exciting story. Instead, I'm posting a picture and details about the project that has been holding me hostage for the last four weeks I have just completed to justify why I have been so absent and in hopes that I can now move on.
This curtain (and it's twin) are hanging in the choir room at my church. The curtains needed to be fire retardant and there seemed no affordable way to accomplish that except for "someone" to make them. I can't say I got much joy from this project (I whined about it in my last post) but am certainly happy that they are finished. I still need to anchor the lower hem (to keep the preschoolers from getting up under them), and they need a steaming to eliminate some wrinkles and reset the lower hem.
Since then I have moved on to a more gratifying project, but one that is not quite ready for sharing yet. Here's a little sneak peek:
I am also working on some Halloween costumes that have to get done this week. I hope to have some more interesting posts coming up soon.
I spent a lovely Saturday with some of my favorite sewing friends. My ASG Chapter held its Annual Meeting and, in addition to the necessary business, we also enjoyed a high tea, door prizes, socializing and a great make-and-take project led by Chapter member Lorine Mason. She released creativity in us all, even those of us who were sure we didn't have any. I'll post pictures of the project and one way I plan to use the skills I learned in an upcoming post. Until then. . . .