Julie Bowersett


Blog Writing Course Alumni

From Guide to Art Schools


Entries in giraffe (1)


Bag of the Week 36

Giraffe Tote

This week’s project is a little bittersweet for me.  It marks a milestone in my youngest son’s life as he starts preschool on Monday.  His current favorites are giraffes (which he calls ffff-ffff) so I made him this little tote bag to carry his lunch to school and his projects home.  He was pretty excited the first time he saw it!  I used some “hand-me-down” green corduroy fabric for the base of the bag and a super stiff denim for the lining which gave enough body that I didn’t have to interface.  I piped the top edge for more stability and as an attractive way to transition between fabrics.  The giraffe design was modeled after a coloring book drawing and is fused, then satin stitched to the bag.  I used a selvage strip for the mane and clipped it at close intervals.  You might recognize the fabric from my post earlier this week – it is Frolic from Sandy Gervais by Moda.