Julie Bowersett


Blog Writing Course Alumni

From Guide to Art Schools


Entries in light (1)


First Light

I am a creature of light.  I love the hours in the early morning when the sun is just coming up, especially when I can spend that time in my studio.  That space faces east and catches the early light.  These days I don’t get much chance to work in there in the morning but I try to sneak a few minutes before my children awake to gaze around (the mess) and let inspiration wash over me.   Morning light or not, I love spending time in that space.  Most of my stolen moments are in the afternoon or, occasionally at night.  But I’ll take them when I can get them.  All too soon my nestlings will have flown and I will have the luxury of working in the morning light again.

Most of my creations are crafted from fabric.  I am, primarily, a garment sewer but my interests are far more eclectic.  I love using my hands, and dabble in sewing, knitting, quilting, embroidery, beading, and crafting of all sorts.    I haven’t held a paying job in years but on our tax return every year I list my profession as Fiber Artist.  My favorite part of any project is the creative stage where the final result lives only in my mind.  I love putting together theme, materials, colors, textures and techniques.  Sometimes scents and flavors (for I like cooking, too).  I collect (read: hoard) the materials used to fashion my creations so I will have at hand what I need when my muse speaks. 

So now I have created a blog.  The site design is a work in progress itself, in a media that is not as familiar as the one I am used to working in.  I hope to share some of my work in this space along with tutorials so others can have as much fun creating as I do.  I hope you will check back often for inspiration.