Julie Bowersett


Blog Writing Course Alumni

From Guide to Art Schools


Entries in sewing studio (4)


New Space

Contrary to all appearances, I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  I have, in fact, managed a sewing project or two in the last couple of weeks (though no pictures to prove it).  However, I don't think I will be getting much done in the next couple of weeks.  Well, I'll be getting a lot done (hopefully) but not much sewing.

Some of you who know me personally know that my family will be moving this summer.  I am very excited about this big change in our lives.  We have purchased a beautiful property near Charlottesville, Virginia and have been working on some improvements before we move.  The biggest project, and the one that will certainly have the most impact on me, is the second story addition we have built over our garage.  That space will house my sewing studio and an office for my husband with workshop space below in the garage.  It has been very exciting to design and build a studio from the ground up.  The final work is being done this week, and we will have the chance to see it in two weeks.  Also at that time we will be moving a portion of our furniture and lots of possessions to prepare our current house for sale.  So, I will be spending the next two weeks packing up most of my sewing room along with other areas of the house in anticipation of this move.

My new studio is large and airy with lots of windows for natural light and good storage.  My hope is that I can use this new space for classes or workshops once I am settled in my new location.

Here are some of the pictures of the place during the construction phase.

Toward the beginning of the process.  These south-facing windows open into my studio.

Siding complete.

The same windows from inside the space.  The studio will have a partially vaulted ceiling.

The interior wall.  From left to right, a large storage closet, hallway, hanging closet and stairs to the attic.

Paint and wainscoting.

Cork flooring.

This is part of the workshop area in the garage.  A sink will be installed in the white cabinets.

This is the back of the building in its woodland setting.

I am hopeful that once this transition is over, this new space will inspire me to spend more time sewing and creating.  And blogging.  It should help that my youngest child will start kindergarten in the fall, leaving me with (theoretically) more free time.  I am pretty excited about this new chapter in our lives.


A Place to Create

My big project over the last few weeks was cleaning/reorganizing my sewing studio.  It had really reached critical mass.  I found I couldn’t easily work in the room because of the clutter and items that had no home.  Since I did not have any projects with critical deadlines I thought this would be a good time to completely deconstruct the space.  I set up a new bookcase which helped and tried to purge some unwanted items though a lot more needs to be done.  I found I had a lot of bulky fabric in the form of wool, recycled t-shirts and sweaters which I sealed up in Space Bags and am storing elsewhere.

What a difference a clean room makes!  I’ve been getting back into sewing some projects and find it is so much nicer to sew in a clean room.  I’m taking the time to put things back where they belong (wonder how long that will last?)  This exercise has once again solidified in my mind that I don’t need any more fabric or sewing supplies.  In fact, acquiring more “stuff” is almost an unpleasant thought.  I need to work on using what I have.

Here are pictures of my clean space.   I’m hoping they will act as inspiration for you and me, as well.

This dishtowel was a gift from my friend Linda when we traveled together to Alabama for our Alabama Chanin workshop.  I hung it on the wall in my studio to remind me of those good times.  Linda, I know you are reading this:  my studio is finally clean enough for you to come and play!

Projects hot off the press coming soon!


making messes

Some people complain that art blogs give a false impression that everything is beautiful and rosy.  Since it is never hard to find the ugly side of life (our airwaves and newspapers are full of it) I like to think of beautiful blogs as a little balancing act.  I will admit that well-crafted blogs can give the impression that the blogette has her act together (perhaps more than is warranted) which could intimidate others from even trying to join in the fun.  Well, I’m here to tell you that, in my world anyway, I have messes.  Sometimes big messes. 

I recently had to have an intervention with my sewing room.  It had reached the point where I just couldn’t function anymore.  During my journal cover project I attempted to access my storage box of blue quilting cottons and caused a fabric landslide.  I couldn’t get into my closet.  So, for the past two weeks I have been regaining control.   I sorted through boxes, cabinets, drawers and shelves.  I attempted to organize like items into some recognizable storage system.  While “filing” my huge supply of ribbon I thought, “how did I end up with 5 spools of white ¼” satin ribbon?” and I realized the answer was that it was often easier to drive to Michael’s and buy a new spool than to locate the ones I already owned. 

You know how things get worse before they get better in projects like this?  Well, my room sat for about 3 days in that “worse” stage; I was overwhelmed with the task before me.  But then slowly I started concentrating on one area at a time.  All of the things that had ended up in the room that didn’t belong there were carried off and eventually I started to see the end.  I also took the time to hang my bulletin and magnet board which I use for notes and inspiration – they had not been put up since I moved into my house in 2006.  Now when I look around my nice clean space I am filled with enthusiasm for new projects and can’t wait to make another mess – a creative mess.


First Light

I am a creature of light.  I love the hours in the early morning when the sun is just coming up, especially when I can spend that time in my studio.  That space faces east and catches the early light.  These days I don’t get much chance to work in there in the morning but I try to sneak a few minutes before my children awake to gaze around (the mess) and let inspiration wash over me.   Morning light or not, I love spending time in that space.  Most of my stolen moments are in the afternoon or, occasionally at night.  But I’ll take them when I can get them.  All too soon my nestlings will have flown and I will have the luxury of working in the morning light again.

Most of my creations are crafted from fabric.  I am, primarily, a garment sewer but my interests are far more eclectic.  I love using my hands, and dabble in sewing, knitting, quilting, embroidery, beading, and crafting of all sorts.    I haven’t held a paying job in years but on our tax return every year I list my profession as Fiber Artist.  My favorite part of any project is the creative stage where the final result lives only in my mind.  I love putting together theme, materials, colors, textures and techniques.  Sometimes scents and flavors (for I like cooking, too).  I collect (read: hoard) the materials used to fashion my creations so I will have at hand what I need when my muse speaks. 

So now I have created a blog.  The site design is a work in progress itself, in a media that is not as familiar as the one I am used to working in.  I hope to share some of my work in this space along with tutorials so others can have as much fun creating as I do.  I hope you will check back often for inspiration.